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Resident Council

When public housing neighbors come together and form an organization to improve their housing and community, it’s called a resident council.

These councils provide residents with a pathway to work with the housing authority and other community groups to improve the lives of all residents.

Resident council meeting in progress

Resident Council

The resident council includes all residents at each public housing complex. Each complex has an elected council executive board consisting of five members committed to improving the quality of life and resident satisfaction.

Meetings are held once a month to discuss community events, fundraisers, RHA updates, and to ensure all residents are given a voice.

Meetings Calendar

Join us at our next meeting, you can email for questions.

Select a Month to Filter Events/Meetings
Select a Month
Meeting TitleMeeting DateMeeting TimeDocuments
Myra Birch Resident Council MeetingAugust 14, 202415:30
Silverada Resident Council MeetingAugust 8, 202410:00
Essex Resident Council MeetingAugust 7, 202415:00
Tom Sawyer Resident Council MeetingAugust 5, 202414:00
Stead Resident Council MeetingAugust 2, 202413:00
Silverada Resident Council MeetingJuly 11, 202410:00
Myra Birch Resident Council MeetingJuly 10, 202415:30
Stead Resident Council MeetingJuly 5, 202413:00
Essex Resident Council MeetingJuly 3, 202415:00
Tom Sawyer Resident Council MeetingJuly 1, 202414:00

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